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'There is no absolute truth'

Dr Don Carson, PhD, completed his doctorate in New Testament studies at Cambridge University. He is currently a research professor of the New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL. He has written numerous books, including ‘How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil’.

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  1. Postmodernism’s unacceptable antithesis: exhaustive knowledge or no true knowledge.
  2. Christianity makes two claims that renders the postmodern antithesis especially objectionable
    1. there is a God who knows everything, and he talks
    2. revelation takes place, for the most part, in history
  3. True from God’s vantage point
    • John 18:28f
    • Matthew 11:11
    • Mark 2:5
    • Psalm 51:4
  4. There are moral dimensions to the recognition of truth

© Don Carson 2002

Source: This talk was originally given 18th Jan 2002 at Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union and is used with permission. No part of this talk may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, without the prior permission of the speaker.